our zeta beta chapter of chi omega at the university of arizona
Zeta Beta is near and dear to all of our hearts, founded in 1922, our rich history on campus at the University of Arizona is extensive and interesting! Zeta Beta is home to; freshman year roommates, our first college friends and loyal sisters through and through. Whether we’re attending philanthropy events or basking in the Arizona sun we can count on our sisters to be by our sides. Our sisterhood is different than many others, we strive to recruit Chi Omegas that are radiant, kind and hardworking women from all over the country. Not everyone is alike and we understand this, we believe that diversity and uniqueness is what makes this world an amazing place, we are proud to say that our sisters are like no other- while still being a cohesive chapter.
We participate in philanthropic events across campus, while also running our own events throughout the year (check out our philanthropy page above for more information.) Our chapter also hosts exciting bonding group events such as, sisterhood events and study parties! We take great pride in our carefully balanced academic and social calendars. We currently hold one of the highest GPA among Fraternal and Panhellenic chapters here on campus, Chi Omega is the best of both worlds!
Above all else, our sisters we meet during recruitment and on bid day quickly become our family. From hosting bonding events for our new member class, to assigned upperclassmen each week of your first month at college, your resources are endless, our sisters in Chi Omega make our campus of 39,000 students feel cozy. Please keep exploring our website for more fun facts, photos and examples of what it means to be a Chi Omega.